
How To Say What Are You Doing In Italian

How exactly do you say what are you doing in Italian?

In this lesson, we volition take a look at the different ways y'all tin can translate this sentence into Italian. Read on to learn them all!


Permit's kickoff! Iniziamo!

how do you say what are you doing in italian - let's start - iniziamo - athlete woman running

How do you say what are y'all doing in Italian?

Singular: Cosa stai facendo?

Cosa stai facendo? is how you translate what are you lot doing in Italian when you are addressing only i person.

Cosa stai facendo?
What are yous doing? (singular)

guy moving around and people wondering what he is doing - gesture game

This common judgement in Italian is fabricated of three elements.


Are yous (literally, you stay)


Cosa stai facendo? – Sto leggendo un libro.
What are you doing? – I'm reading a book.

Cosa stai facendo? – Sto pulendo la cucina.
What are you doing? – I'm cleaning the kitchen.

woman cleaning the floor

The gerund tense in Italian uses the verb stare, to stay, while English uses to be. Stai is basically the 2nd person singular present conjugation of stare (that's a mouthful!).

Present tense conjugation for stare

io st o
tu st ai
lui, lei st a
noi st iamo
voi st ate
loro st anno
italian all-in-one for dummies - 6 books in 1

Title: Italian All-in-1 For Dummies
Language: English / Italian
Publisher:For Dummies

Acquire to speak Italian like a native? Easy.
Italian All-in-1 For Dummies appeals to those readers looking for a comprehensive, all-encompassing guide to mastering the Italian language. It contains content from all For Dummies Italian language instruction titles, including Italian For Dummies, Intermediate Italian For Dummies, Italian Verbs For Dummies, Italian Phrases For Dummies, Italian Grammar For Dummies, and Italian For Dummies Audio Fix.

I miei stanno rimodernando il salotto.
My parents are remodeling the living room.

Noi stiamo facendo i compiti. Tu cosa stai facendo?
We are doing our homework. What are y'all doing?

girl panicking while doing homework - how do you say what are you doing in italian

We then have the gerund form of the verb fare, which is facendo.

Fare, facendo, fatto
To do, doing, done

Usually, to create the gerund form of a verb yous only append the endings -ando/endo to the root form of the verb, also known every bit the stem.

What'south the stalk of a verb?
Italian verbs in the infinitive stop in -ARE, -ERE and -IRE.
Cut out this part and you will be left with the root verb.
tremare ➡️ trem-
piovere ➡️ piov-
cucire ➡️ cuc-
Italian verb endings for every tense are added to these root forms of the verb.

Verbs in -are volition accept -ando, and verbs in -ere and -ire will accept -endo.

For instance, tremare (to tremble) will go tremando (trembling), piovere (to rain) will go piovendo (raining).

Fare is an irregular verb and its gerund form is Non fando , but facendo.

This is why you'll interpret what are you doing in Italian equally cosa stai facendo?.

two people playing basketball

Now, what do yous accept to say to enquire what are you doing in Italian to groups of people? Yous volition demand to conjugate the verb stare in the 2nd person plural. Let'south run across what this grade is in the next paragraph.

Plural: Cosa state facendo?

Cosa state facendo? is how you translate what are you lot doing in Italian when you lot are addressing more than one person.

Cosa state facendo?
What are y'all doing? (plural)

Italian has two kinds of "you", different English. At that place'southward a singular "you" and then at that place's a plural "you". If you are addressing a group, you will need to conjugate the verb stare according to the latter pronoun, which is voi.

From the tabular array in the previous paragraph, you can see that the conjugation you have to use is voi country.

Ragazzi, cosa state facendo? – Stiamo giocando.
Guys, what are you doing? – We're playing.

Cosa state facendo? – Stiamo facendo una torta.
What are you doing? – We're making a cake.

woman baking a heart-shaped cake with "love" written on it

Now, how exercise you lot say what are you doing in Italian when you demand to exist formal? Continue on reading to observe out!

Formal: Cosa sta facendo?

If you are just visiting Italy and frequently encounter new people, unless you lot both concord on using the informal pronoun tu yous volition have to stick to the formal pronoun Lei when talking to other adults and people you are not on familiar terms with. With kids, information technology's customary to use tu, no matter the degree of familiarity.

So, how do yous formally ask what are y'all doing in Italian?

Cosa sta facendo?
What are you lot doing? (formal)

Scusi, che cosa sta facendo?
Excuse me, what are you doing?

This question uses the third person singular conjugation. Basically, when speaking formally, Italians address each other with the field of study "she", lei.

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Variants: Che cosa…?

We've covered three ways to say what are you doing in Italian and so far:

  • cosa stai facendo?
  • cosa country facendo?
  • cosa sta facendo?

Mayhap you already know that the translation for what, cosa, can also be rendered in Italian as che cosa. These are totally interchangeable, so you lot can pick whichever one you like.

The just deviation betwixt cosa and che cosa is that cosa alone can too mean thing, but che cosa tin but mean what.

Che cosa stai facendo?
What are you doing? (singular, informal)

In colloquial speech, you tin can fifty-fifty practice without cosa entirely and only enquire che stai facendo?.

Che stai facendo?
What are you doing? (singular, informal)

Che state facendo?
What are y'all doing? (plural)

In both informal and formal speech, information technology's as well very common to even get rid of the gerund form and just cohabit fare in the present tense. The Italian present tense tin can also translate the English present continuous tense.

Che fai? Che fate? Che fa?
What are you doing? (atypical, plural, formal)

And that's information technology, now you know how to say what are you lot doing in Italian in all its forms!

What next?

❤️ If yous liked this lesson on how exercise you say what are y'all doing in Italian, consider sharing information technology with your social media friends who are as well studying Italian.


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